Vljudno vas vabimo na odprtje likovne razstave

We kindly invite you to the opening of the art exhibition


Hans van den Berkmortel, Roel van Daal, Roel Hanssen, Tinus Derks

v petek 22.4.2016 ob 19.00uri v Galeriji 14, Prešernova c. 14 na Bledu.

on Friday 22nd April 2016 at 19.00hrs at Gallery 14, Prešernova c. 14 in Bled.

Razstava traja do 22.05.2016. Vstop prost!

The exhibition is open untill 22nd May. Admission free!

Predogled: Narodna Galerija Ljubljana, King's Day Reception, Veleposlaništvo Kraljevine Nizozemske v Ljubljani

Preview: National Gallery Ljubljana, King's Day Reception of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ljubljana, Slovenia


Nizozemska je dežela z izjemno bogato zgodovino in spoštuje svoje tradicije, kulturo ter svoje naravne lepote. Družbeno je prežeta še z eno izjemno vrednoto, z veliko ustvarjalnostjo in.... enako pomembno, s posluhom zanjo. Ustvarjalnost prežema zavednost družbe, iz nje uspešno tvori nove, dodane vrednosti, bodisi v vsakdanji kvaliteti bivanja kot v najširšem ekonomskem smislu.

Nizozemska je nedvomno vzor drugim državam. Vzor ali inspiracija je tudi marsikateremu ustvarjalcu, širše pa številnim turističnim obiskovalcem iz mnogoterih vidikov, a še posebej o tem kako kreativnost, unikatnost drzno vključiti v razvoj na osebni in širši družbeni ravni.

Prostorsko jo lahko doživimo kot kraj, kjer bi si želel sanjati. V prostranih ravninah izbrisanih krajin izgleda kot, da se izgubi vsak zaplet. Na voljo je prostranstvo rešitev za vsako situacijo... Enaka odprtost pa hkrati prizemljuje, če ne delaš, postavljaš, gradiš te odnese veter, se izgubiš v širjavah... Sprehod ob poteh barvnih hiš in odsevov ogromnih oken spominjajo na estetiko galerij in urejenih izložb. V njih police polne izbranih predmetov in stene slik, okrasnih predmetov... Vsak tujec bi morda želel vstopiti, saj vabi ''domačnost'' in odprtost. A zato ne rabi stopiti čez prag, dovolj je dvigniti pogled in pogledati skozi.

Danes smo to okno pripeljali v Slovenijo, s skupinsko razstavo štirih nizozemskih avtorjev. Z združeno raznolikostjo štirih umetniških sopotnikov, kjer vsak doda svoj unikaten umetniški jezik in združeno prestavijo skupnega na novo, višjo raven.

Hans van den Berkmortel

Potovati in se spraševati, biti tujec povsod pa vendar v sebi vedno doma.

To travel and to ask questions, to be a stranger everywhere but always feel at home within yourself.

Roel van Daal

Opazovati odseve odsevov in imeti moč pretvarjati navadno v nenavadno.

To observe reflections of reflections and have the power to tranform the usuall into unusuall.

Roel Hanssen

Življenje je Umetnost in strast do Ustvarjanja.

Life is All about Arts and passion to Create.

Tinus Derks

V kompleksnosti tega Sveta je komunikacija ključnega pomena.

In the complexity of this Wolrd, Communication is of utmost importance.


The Netherlands is a country with an extremely rich history and one that respect its traditions, culture and its natural beauty. The Dutch have permeated yet anothe rremarkable value: creativity ... and of equal importance embracing it. Creativity infiltrates the consciousness of society and it successfully forms new, value-added situations, either in everydays quality of life as in the broader economic context.

Netherlands is undoubtedly a role model for other countries. It is also an inspiration for many artists and to a big numbers of tourist visitors, from a multiplicity of aspects, but especially on how creativity and uniqueness is boldly incorporated into the development on a personal and broader social level. Spatialy the Netherlands can be experienced as a place where you want to dream. In the vast plains of erased landscapes it looks like all complications get lost. There is a number of solutions for every situation ... This openness at the same time creates the need to stay ''down to Earth'' , if you do not work, make, build the wind will carry you away, you get lost in the vastness ...

Walking along the trails of colored houses and its reflections of with huge windows, reminiscent of the aesthetics of galleries and neat shop windows. Their shelves full of selected objects, wall paintings, decorative objects ... Every foreigner may feel to enter due to these inviting and open views. Still therefore one does not have to step over the house threshold, it is enough to raise your eyes and look through.

Today we have this opened this window in Slovenia, with a group exhibition of four Dutch authors. With a combination of four diverse artistic companions, each adding their own unique artistic language have joined in one common, united and moved to a new, higher level.

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Avtor: Hans van den Berkmortel, Roel van Daal, Roel Hanssen, Tinus Derks

Naslov razstave: Made in Holland

Datum trajanja: Od 22.04.2016 do 22.05.2016

Lokacija: Galerija 14, Prešernova cesta 14, Bled

Telefon: +386 40 356 593

